Winter Downtime
10/02/15 - The winter downtime can be long for historic F1 drivers, here's how one CTL customer likes to keep their head in the game...

During the season break, Chris Locke - CTL customer and patron of the Lotus 79 - received this fantastic remote control version of Mario's 'Black Beauty'
"I sourced an appropriate transmitter/receiver, steering servo, and controller and completed the assembly yesterday. (Not bad for a lawyer!)" Chris says.
He continues "So far I've just done a few laps on the kitchen floor, but all functions appear to be sorted and I will be taking the Lotus 79 to a suitable location with a large smooth surface (and nothing to hit) for a full-on test in the near future. Thanks again for your thoughtfulness. Hopefully some "seat time" in this will improve my lap times in the real example!"
We look forward to seeing the results at the first race of the season. Bring on Barcelona!