Cinema City hosts East Anglian 'Rush' Movie Premiere
The charity East Anglian premiere of RUSH at Cinema City

You may recall, we were involved with the filming at Snetterton and Blackbushe with Chris Locke’s type 77. Studiocanal donated the screening of the film and Cinema City, were pleased to donate 100% of the ticket sales.
We came up with an exciting panel to form a Q & A session after the film which consisted of Chris Dinnage - the CTL Team Manager who was involved with the filming, Mechanic Ian Dawson, designer Martin Ogilvie and Bob Dance (who was actually at Brabham in 1976 but as it was just a Team Lotus holiday, we invited him anyway!). Michael Bailey, the EDP’s Motorsport Editor did a fantastic job hosting the Q & A session and the audience enjoyed hearing of their experiences from the 1976 season and throughout their careers.
We are pleased to say that we raised £4920 for the nominated charity, the Care for Life at Home Fund with the box office and raffle sales. Thank you very much to everyone that came and supported the event.