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The Garden Party is a Huge Success: Part 2
East Carleton Manor represents Hazel and Colin Chapman Heritage in so many special ways and this was a truly unique and significant occasion. The Lotus Mark I, Mark II and Mark III were on display together for the first time ever.

Chris Dinnage drove Peter Burton’s Type 30 to the Garden Party, followed closely by Lewis Cullington seen here steering the Type 25 through the courtyard of East Carleton Manor.
A surprise to all the guests was Clive Chapman’s Streaker ‘Junior’ power boat on display in the pool. The larger of the two boats he raced in the late 70s and early 80s was nestled amongst the Lotus Lily pads in the main lake.
The “75 Years of Noise” was represented by Types 12, 25, 30, 56B, 79, 125 and the new Emira GT4 racecar. Guests surrounded the turbine-powered Type 56B as it was fired up. Johnny Herbert was in the hot-seat, while Martin Donnelly was in the 2010 Type 125 Track Car.