Goodwood 74th Members Meeting
22/03/16 - The Peter Darley gallery is now available to view

Classic Team Lotus and owners from around the world produce stunning line up for the 74th Members Meeting
Following the huge success of the early-1970s high-airbox F1 car demonstrations at the 73rd Members’ Meeting, the World Championship storytelling steps up a notch with another astounding array of period racers, this time from the later, ground-effect era of the late-1970s/early-’80s
Cars with sophisticated underbody aerodynamic profiling, designed to help glue them to the track surface for high cornering speeds, made even bigger heroes of their brave drivers, so the sight of dozens of them pounding round the Motor Circuit was a must-not-miss addition to the programme.
To view the photographs from the meeting, please visit our Flickr gallery