The Real Deal
14/04/15 - If you try and think of iconic Formula 1 racing teams who emerged in the classic era of the 1950s and ’60s and survived through to the ’90s, there aren't that many to choose from...

The scarlet of Ferrari, naturally, figures highly. But there’s a small British team, the archetypal garagistes so despised by the motor racing aristocracy of the time, which blossomed more than any other, enjoyed periods of domination and came to define what technological innovation meant: Team Lotus...
The Lotus F1 team may have folded back in 1994, but there’s a series of old WW2-era workshops tucked away in leafy Norfolk that provide continuity for the Lotus tradition of engineering excellence and racing passion, keeping the competition fire burning for cars that bear the legendary ACBC initials on their nose. This is Classic Team Lotus, where some of the greatest Formula 1 cars of the last 50 years live on for a single purpose. To race.
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